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Ever.Ag - Brand Campaign Micro-site


At Ever.Ag, I worked on this brand campaign for my internship project. I created 9 pages total, and successfully launched the micro-site before the 12-week period. I created wireframes using Figma, received feedback that I would use to create the designs, which I later used as reference once I got onto WordPress to build the pages out. I had frequent communication with the graphic designer, content writer, director of Demand Gen, and all the leaders in the departments I was representing with these pages.

After my internship term was set to end, I accepted an offer to continue working as Ever.Ag as a part-time web design intern and continue supporting Ever.Ag in other campaigns, landing pages, and general page updates.

My internship presentation is available to watch for more details.

*Marcom Platinum Winner - Team Achievement

UCF Pegasus Palooza


UCF's official welcome week has a micro-site dedicated to covering the events and sponsors. This site has gone through two cycles that were developed by my partner and I on the web design team. My specific contributions to the site were the illustrations on the Home, About, and Events pages. The preview above was my concept, which was later programmed collaboratively. Not only that, but my teammate and I created Lo-fi and Hi-fi mockups of the pages using Figma. We also accessed the site's analytics through Google Analytics after our first go-around, to determine our strengths and weaknesses to be considered on our second run. Through this, we were able to make smarter decisions such as intentionally implementing keywords, using other campus sites we manage to promote it, and wrapping up earlier than last year so as to get early buzz and have less people accessing outdated content. The 2022 project took 1 month to complete, and was successfully launched in June, about two months before the event.

*Any graphics and photography displayed inside the page content was created by other OSI Creative services staff unless stated otherwise above

2022 vs 2021 Stats

Pageviews Unique Pageviews Avg. Time on Page Entrances Bounce Rate % Exit
21,111 vs 8,252
18,879 vs 7,227
00:02:37 vs 00:02:20
15,477 vs 5,939
71.53% vs 72.34%
73.71% vs 71.97%
Pageviews Unique Pageviews Avg. Time on Page
21,111 vs 8,252
18,879 vs 7,227
00:02:37 vs 00:02:20
Pageviews Unique Pageviews Avg. Time on Page
15,477 vs 5,939
71.53% vs 72.34%
73.71% vs 71.97%

The really relevant facts are:

Technology used: Wordpress, , HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, Github, PHP, Adobe Illustrator, Figma

UX/UI Internship, Web Design Contractor, and more

Career Fair Plus

At Career Fair Plus, I have completed a variety of projects with a focus on graphics and HTML/CSS. When I first joined the team, CF+ had recently gone through a branding change, and many of my responsibilities involved updating previous materials, while creating new content that fit the guidelines.

UX/UI Internship, Web Design Contractor, and more

Career Fair Plus

At Career Fair Plus, I have completed a variety of projects with a focus on graphics and HTML/CSS. When I first joined the team, CF+ had recently gone through a branding change, and many of my responsibilities involved updating previous materials, while creating new content that fit the guidelines.

Instagram Posts

Google Slides


Table Cloth Design

E-mail Design

Using Hubspot, and HTML/CSS, I create monthly newsletters based on the content written by the marketing team. At times, I use HTML/CSS to modify od templates, for example, I added the call to action in the center of this e-mail recently


Using Davinci Resolve, I created a 10-year anniversary video that was presented to the founders of the company at the end-of-season party :) This gif is the first couple seconds, which I animated myself