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Her bedtime Stories

Her Bedtime Stories is a visual novel about a recovering victim of assault who is stuck in a loop of negative memories and interpretations.

Featured in Nicholson Student Media blog, UCF Healing Arts Exhibit, Ludum Dare 48 game jam

Her bedtime stories was created in 72-hours for the Ludum Dare game jame competition. The theme was "deeper and deeper", and my interpretation of that was that it may become harder to get out of a hole the deeper you are, mentally. However, I did want this game to end positively, and I included a reminder to keep those close to you around for support and strength during hard times. My creative process involved thinking about situations that are grounded in reality, that people may have gone through, or know of someone else going through them. As well as that, I thought about more abstract ways of expressing pain that could be striking and cutting in a way that gets players to think deeper about their actions.

Unity2D, Aesprite


Highlights is a visual novel about putting together conversation pieces with those you have lost touch with, in an attempt to come back from a depressive lapse.

Featured in Ludum Dare 46 game jam

Highlights was created in 72-hours for the ludum Dare game jame competition. The theme was "Keep it alive", and my interpretation of this was to have the player attempt to keep a relationship alive by selecting the right dialogue options. This game was created at the earlier days of the COVID-19 pandemic, and I certainly felt like I took relationships and experiences for granted. I wanted to create something more meaningful than my prior project(mentioned below), and wanted to create something that was story-rich. The game gives the player the opportunity to talk to four different characters who have things they would like to hear, but it is up to the player to figure that out.

Small town

Small town is a click-and-find game about finding the perfect gift for a special someone with Christmas right around the corner. Most shops are closed, so options are limited, but you are trying your best

Featured in Ludum Dare 47 game jam

Small Town was my first game jam submission from 2019, and I wanted to create something lighthearted, although I always knew my work would delve into heavy topics later on. The theme of this game jam was "Start with nothing", and my interpretation was very straightforward. The player has no present to give to their loved ones and the goal is to go looking for something. The mechanics are simple, look around the room and find all the items eligible for purchase, then select one. As my first project, I had a hard time understanding the scope of the game, and did not create a proper ending, but I have several environments and dialogues written up that I was happy to get done at the very least.

Technology Used: Unity2D, Paint Tool SAI

Spirit Scouts

Spirit scouts is a sentence puzzle game where you are looking for your soul mate in outer-space based on surrounding bits of conversations. As you make a statement, find the corresponding response

Featured in Ludum Dare 47 game jam

Spirit Scouts was created in 24 hours. This was part of the 72-hour game jam, but my computer crashed at the start, and I was determined to still turn something in! This simple game is meant to be more lighthearted than my prior game, Highlights. It's filled with fun dialogue, cute animals, and many colors. While the mechanics are simple, I'm proud of it considering the time restriction and slow device times